Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fall again?!

I wish I could say it was really a happy Fall where I live....except it's just a tad too much like summer still.   It's way too hot and I want to start wearing my boots! My goodness...can't the weather give a boot-loving girl a break?

Since the last time I've been on here I've....

Landed myself a new part-time job here....

It's quite the hootenanny! I've become way better acquainted with that so-called group One Direction and The Wanted.  It's a great working environment and my co-workers are nice, so I feel lucky to actually not despise going to work retail.  I can't lie - the first few weeks were pretty stressful, but now I feel much more comfortable.  The customers are great, and I do enjoy selling clothing that is cute, yet not too grown up for young girls.  I'm not working many too many hours which is good because field work for student teaching is starting up soon!  Also, it's nice to make a little cash when I can...but compared to my last job,I f eel like I'm making pennies! :(   The time to seriously budget and cut down on spending $$ has arrived.  I think of it as learning to live on a tight budget...which is something I really aspire to do - even if I do have the money to spend!  Oh boy...I could lead this into a political discussion...but I won't :) I'll spare you...and myself! 

Aside from my new job, I've been going to class and preparing for my field work for my Special Ed credential program to begin.  I'm SO SO excited.  I just found out I'll be in a Kindergarten class and my field supervisor who will come to observe my lessons was my old 1st grade teacher! How crazy is that?! I will be working at a school close to home and in the same district where I went to school, so I can tell this is going to be a very nice fit.  I'm really hoping I get to use my magnetic letters with the kiddos! I can't wait to do things like this :)

Who's excited to be wear hair accessories and pins, such as this?  Because kiddos love it when teachers wear fun things related to the holidays...  

 I hope teachers and students dress up for Halloween! *crossing my fingers*

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